Binyamin Ali
H1 2024 fundraising for dedicated agri-food and forestry vehicles hit $5.1bn, representing the biggest half-year figure since 2021.
The firm initially took a minority position in the business in 2020 and has now taken a majority stake.
The firm’s new forestry team has a track record of sourcing off-market deals, and its CEO believes it can cash in on LP goodwill to raise capital quickly.
Insured carbon credits will be compensated though ‘in-kind replacements,’ or buyers will be reimbursed their purchase price where replacement credits are not available.
Tiverton AgriFinance III has comfortably eclipsed the $325m raised by its predecessor.
The venture capital firm invests in pre-Series A technology companies in the agriculture and food supply chain.
The investment marks the initial acquisition by Fiera Comox’s Global Sustainable Timberland Strategy.
Denmark is now squarely in the food decarbonization limelight as its agriculture industry juggles an incoming livestock levy and the EU’s farm-to-fork strategy and Nature Restoration Law.
The ACCESS Pool appointed Apex Investment Advisory in January to find an asset manager through which the pension scheme pool could invest in natural capital.
The vehicle has a €150m target and will focus on businesses concerned with planetary health.