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Snehal Shah

Christopher Metrakos, OTPP
Sustainability and value are 'very integrated,' explains Christopher Metrakos, head of natural resources at the C$248bn pension fund.
As climate disclosure and reporting regulations from the EU, the SEC and the state of California come into force, three regulatory experts discuss the quandaries for investors that need to comply.
Impact-linked carry 'takes up too much internal bandwidth' at a firm, according to an institutional investor at PEI Group's Responsible Investment Forum in New York last week.
Peter Cashion, CalPERS
Peter Cashion, managing investment director for sustainable investments, will present the plan, which includes another $53bn for climate solutions investments, 10 more sustainability staff, scenarios analyses and options for divestment.
Impact dollars
Private impact credit strategies in emerging markets are ‘resilient, uncorrelated to the broader market,’ amid the fundraising squeeze, Blue Earth head of credit Amy Wang says.
Just Climate Clara Barby Eduardo Mufarej
The firm will invest growth capital in companies supporting emissions avoidance in agriculture and emissions sequestration via natural assets.
The UK’s Sustainable Disclosure Regime addresses a significant omission in the EU's SFDR: funds decarbonizing and transitioning assets to become more sustainable. What a shame, then, that the SDR has been delayed yet again.
Climate+, a long-term asset fund aimed at DC pensions, will invest across private markets.
After two years, PRI signatories will again report on their responsible investment practices and receive scores of up to five stars. The new questionnaire is ‘more aligned’ to the TCFD and other bodies, but still focuses on practices and policies over outputs.
Pine forest in sunlight
Climate Asset Management is targeting $600m for the Nature Based Carbon Strategy fund from corporates including HSBC.

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