Editor's View

Rabobank’s Agribusiness Outlook 2021 suggests tailwinds for the sector will help overcome challenges posed by China, the pandemic recovery and increased sustainability expectations.
Reporters and editors from PERE, Infrastructure Investor and Agri Investor dig into the changes most likely to impact their respective asset classes under the new president and Democrat-controlled Congress.
Soybean seedlings in farm
As ag’s nascent carbon credit markets find their feet and the true quality of their respective offerings become clearer, a divergence in price points that impacts farmland values could emerge.
Chinese cuisine, meat platter, protein
The country's demand for protein in all its forms is set to continue growing as the population gets wealthier.
Cattle grazing on farmland
The Nuveen subsidiary is looking at ways water quality and biodiversity offset markets could be developed, as it also sizes up carbon offsets.
Brexit, eggs, food, agriculture
The UK and the EU are now trading under the terms of the Brexit trade deal agreed in late December. The lack of widespread friction to date is an encouraging early sign.
Farmland, tractor, row crops
The asset class has stood up well this year in the face of unprecedented societal and economic challenges. GPs are understandably expecting to follow it up with another good one.
Cultured chicken meat
The San Francisco-based start-up is in discussions with Proterra about a cultured meat partnership at a time when more Asian investors want exposure to the space.
NSW ag commissioner Daryl Quinlivan says water market reform is ‘nothing to be scared of’ and will help the sector become more efficient.
Sprouting onion, farming, growing
Direction of travel signaled by the bloc over the past few years is creating a fundraising environment beneficial to start-ups and is now backed by a sustainability conscious subsidy package.

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