The sustainable forestry fund will acquire clear-fell forest land in Ireland for conversion to continuous coverage management.
The early stage company-focused fund should be fully deployed by 2017, while the launch of a second fund is expected in mid-2016.
The fund targets own-and-operate cattle production assets in Australia and already holds over a million hectares.
The Global Environment Fund is also raising a African Sustainable Forestry Fund II, which could hold a first close later this year.
The New Mexico State Investment Committee has increased its timber exposure to $375 million, and is banking on a resurgent US housing market to boost forestry returns.
Understory Weather, whose backers include the State of Wisconsin Investment Board, sells its weather sensor technology to insurance companies.
ZeaKal will use the money to begin testing on genetically modified soy with potentially enhanced photosynthetic abilities.
Ecosystem Investment Partners will continue its strategy of generating revenue through the restoration and preservation of wetlands.
More than half of the 84 projects approved for funding in 2016 focus on water quality and access.
The Fonds de Co-Localisation Franco Tunisien has held a €20m first close and will back Tunisian and French SMEs including agri and food businesses.