The fund, expected to be approved in Dublin next year, will rely on globally rising water prices, as well as the demand for water safety in China and salmon from Norway.
Prosetta Biosciences looks at cell-free protein synthesising systems to find new treatments for animal and human diseases like rabies.
The private and public-funded initiatives will tackle soil quality and help smallholder farmers in developing countries arm themselves against the challenges of climate change.
Caixa Capital Risc, Middleland Capital and Novozymes joined Monsanto to raise equity for Madrid-based PlantResponse Biotech.
Gideon Soesman, managing partner and co-founder of Greensoil, told Agri Investor earlier this year that he expected to hold a final close by May 2016.
Executive says sustainable grazing can boost profits and revitalise underperforming pastureland.
The launch comes alongside a fundraising round for an undisclosed amount.
SWIIM says its auditing and planning software will help growers manage and trade scarce water resources, and could even kick-start self-regulation.
The company hopes to use the funding to expand into pharmaceuticals and enter markets outside the US.
The firm began marketing its SEAF India Agribusiness International Fund II in September targeting $150m. The fund will invest $20m to $25m in small and medium enterprises, including food supply and other agribusinesses in India.