Bregal Sphere, the recently launched impact arm of Bregal Investments, wants to be at the 'tip of the spear' in showing what high-quality carbon credits look like, says the new co-head of its nature-based solutions strategy.
Eucaliptus trees, forestry, timberland
The firm raised $945m across its secondaries and carbon strategies in 2023.
Ukraine’s EU accession negotiations started in December 2023 and membership would improve conditions for institutional investment, but those prospects must first surmount opposition from farmers already in the bloc.
Forestry along Maine and Quebec border
The non-profit asset manager was launched by three partners to invest exclusively in the US state of Maine.
British farmland prices have hit a record high, Agri Investor Global Awards open for voting, Impact Ag Partners appoints a new CEO and targets US expansion, Louis Dreyfus and Nature Conservancy collab could raise capital in the future, and more. Welcome to Field Notes, the start-of-the-week briefing for our valued subscribers only. Tips and feedback to:
Panelists at Peoples Company’s Land Investment Expo said public anxiety and ambiguities in state and federal regulations could ‘chill transactions’ and create ‘friction.’
Farm, cotswold, England
Data from sales and lettings agency Knight Frank shows farmland in England Wales was valued at more £9,000 per acre for the first time in Q4 2023.
The Nature Conservancy’s Michael Wironen says the pair contemplate ‘there will be an interest and need in attracting capital’ as the regenerative ag and habitat conservation partnership develops.
Tractor mowing green field
Former AACo CEO Hugh Killen will lead the firm in Australia as founder Bert Glover shifts internally to oversee growth in the US.
Farmer protests
Following protests over ag-related environmental policies in Australia, Spain, France and the Netherlands in recent years, German farmers came onto the streets this month in a reminder of how quickly political decisions can raise the ire of farmers.

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