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Emerging Markets

The Edmond de Rothschild investment vehicle seeks to drive returns by reducing risks from social and environmental impact.
The window of opportunity for agri investors in Africa seems to be opening, but investors still face big risks.
Irrigated crop acreage in the US could decline as soon as 2020.
The funding is targeted at improving poultry health and feed stocks, which agribusiness Amatheon's CIO sees as a positive step to encourage investment.
The former minister for agriculture said private capital invested $3.8m in the country in the last two years, but investors say supply chain development is crucial.
Tractor and wheat, UK farmland
The Swedish investment firm sells farming company Rolnyvik but holds on to agri investments in Russia.
Investors are waiting for a new 5-year plan to be approved before acquiring foreign assets, Hendriks tells Reuters.
The new additions bring on-the-ground PE experience in Africa and knowledge of large-scale deal execution.
Sembrador says it has a commitment from IDB and expects one from the Colombian government.
The firm acquired Pharmaq in 2013 for about €250m and is selling it to Zoetis for $765m.

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