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Dolma Impact Fund, the Nepal-focused private equity fund, held a first close on $21 million last week and is targeting agribusinesses across the value chain.
The European Investment Bank, the multilateral lender and borrower, has agreed a €120m loan to Moldova to develop horticulture SME and micro enterprises in the country.
Nearly half of respondents said their interest in agri investment stemmed from the investment returns on offer but 24 percent claimed that responsible/impact investment was key to their interest.
The need for growth and investment translates into an $800 million a year opportunity for the PE industry in India, according to Hemendra Mathur, managing director, SEAF India Investment Advisors.
The Agricultural Development Fund is funded by US and European governments and will seek private capital at a later stage.
The private sector has been actively involved in the two-year negotiation process for the Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems, according to Robynne Anderson, secretariat for the International Agri-Food Network.
The opportunities for investing into agriculture are endless, according to Jim Rogers, the famed US investor, businessman and author.
The bank's private equity arm recently invested $35m into a Middle Eastern chicken producer.
Global Environment Fund is approaching investors ahead of launching GEF African Sustainable Forestry Fund II.
The World Bank and the Global Environment Facility have invested $508m in the Philippines Rural Development Fund.