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Sprouting onion, farming, growing
Direction of travel signaled by the bloc over the past few years is creating a fundraising environment beneficial to start-ups and is now backed by a sustainability conscious subsidy package.
Blue compass
Universally recognized authenticity checks, price points created by non-arbitrary forces and a way to reward those already farming sustainably are needed – this is a market with a lot left to prove.
Emerging and diverse managers received less than 3% of capital commitments closed in H1, raising fears they are being left behind as the pandemic changes fundraising.
Yoshitaka Todoroki
The pandemic is an opportunity to return to a 'better normal', according to Yoshitaka Todoroki, who oversees PE and infra at the $1.5trn Japanese pension giant.
The private equity industry must decide how its long-established fiduciary duty fits with a crisis like this.
Wall Street sign, New York
Public market flotations by highly coveted and well-funded ag start-ups have followed in the footsteps of Beyond Meat’s 2019 IPO, adding to the growing signs of industry maturity.
Gunn Agri Partners says its new sustainable farmland fund will link manager fees to ESG performance in what is believed to be a first for the sector.
American Forest Management CEO Brent Keefer says a growing number of TIMO clients are interested in services like mitigation banking, carbon accounting and sequestration analysis.
Agri Investor looks ahead to the topics that are likely to dominate the conversation in ag next year.
Chief executive Perry Vieth says LPs in the targeted $25m first close for Ceres Sustainable Food and Agriculture Opportunity Fund II will be offered reduced management and incentive fees.

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