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Hunger and food insecurity are on the rise worldwide, fueled by conflict and inefficient practices. But will the push for greater sustainability in agriculture end up taking the rap?
Farmers’ protests and political backtracking are not exactly conducive to the kind of large-scale backing required for sustainable agriculture to thrive. Even so, the movement will take some stopping.
Pollination director Tara Davids says concessional capital will be required to develop the investment structures necessary for regenerative agriculture to scale.
The sale of One Tree for upwards of A$250m would mark another step towards the complete divestment of Proterra’s second Global Agriculture Fund.
Denmark is now squarely in the food decarbonization limelight as its agriculture industry juggles an incoming livestock levy and the EU’s farm-to-fork strategy and Nature Restoration Law.
The ACCESS Pool appointed Apex Investment Advisory in January to find an asset manager through which the pension scheme pool could invest in natural capital.
Managing director Pier Luigi Rossi says his firm is working to consolidate in an Italian market many investors find ‘interesting but scary’ as it seeks $200m for Fund II.
While fundraising has been slow, Mandalay managing partner Mark Gustowski says deal flow is strong as the firm prepares to make its sixth investment from Fund I.
Farmland LP’s Craig Wichner says lower prices, water regulation and debt exposure discouraged institutional participation in the auction of almond assets managed by Trinitas Farming before its bankruptcy.
The Clean Energy Finance Corporation has introduced a framework to standardize climate reporting metrics, aiding investors like CDPQ in evaluating sustainable agriculture and forestry investments.