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Chickens standing in a field of grass
Among several appointments, Tyler Mayoras will step up to become managing director, food and beverage sector, with responsibilities including sourcing new investments.
Headshot of Andrew Dyson, chair of Climate Asset Management
Andrew Dyson, previously a senior adviser to CAM’s co-owner Pollination, will take up the role immediately.
Thomas Nagy, Astanor Ventures
Thomas Nagy joins Astanor Ventures two months after it closed its second found on €360 million.
A tree-shaped lake in the midst of healthy and lush nature serving as a metaphor for sustainable logging. 3d rendering
Nick Moss previously helped design and implement a forest conservation and sustainable agriculture fund on the part of the AGRI3 collaboration between Rabobank, the UN and others.
Jonathan Shively says he will look to help expand existing separate account and structured product offerings to connect institutional capital with farmland.
Nick Ping of Manulife
Ping was responsible for Manulife Investment Management's timberland and agriculture institutional business development in his previous position.
Stéphanie Lachance joins from PSP Investments where she spent 15 years and held multiple responsible investment roles.
Emmanuel Faber
Emmanuel Faber has been hired alongside US-based consultant and food producer David Barber to add to the impact investment firm’s sustainability knowledge base.
The Hong Kong and London headquartered firm closed its flagship vehicle on $322m at the start of 2019 and has added an executive who will aid future fund raises.
CBRE appoints Goodfellow to replace Danny Thomas, with a remit to expand CBRE’s offering and offer more consultancy services.

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