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The vehicle’s predecessor, Wastewater Opportunity Fund, closed on $184m in 2016 and focused on the construction of facilities to process food, beverage, agricultural and municipal wastewater.
GIIN research director Abhilash Mudaliar tells Agri Investor the entry of mainstream investors into the impact segment is viewed largely positively, despite fears the label could be diluted.
Booming values in Poland, Bulgaria and Romania should not prompt investors to overlook the region’s political and economic uncertainties, according to Savills' latest report.
The USDA says 'major owners' added an average of 132 acres to their holdings since 2000 and that land values will probably continue to decline.
The lead researcher for the 2017 Iowa Land Values Survey cautions that the 2% increase to an average of $7,326 per acre is a temporary break in a downward trajectory expected to continue.
Established food and agri businesses must ensure innovative technologies are harnessed, report author says.
The annual meat production of Brazil and Argentina, and 15m hectares of farmland, are needed to cater for increased Chinese demand for meat over the next decade.
The tool suggests criteria for financial institutions to benchmark their investments against their peers.
The UN body's report suggests $267bn of extra investment a year is necessary to lift an estimated 800 million out of poverty.
At first glance, agriculture and agribusiness investment may seem like a very small niche within the alternatives market, but it's incredibly diverse. This Almanac supplement offers an in-depth look at a number of agri's sub-sectors.

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